Featured Designer


Download your Print Ready files from your Integrator Account

From your Integrator Account, you can download and edit a saved design created by your consumer.

  1. Click the 'Download PDF' link to reteive the final Print Ready Solution PDF. Save this file to your local directory for final review, edits and printing.
  2. Please note: Your downloaded PDF is also editable with your Adobe CS products if additional edits are needed.

  3. Click the 'Edit' link to launch the PRS Personalization Editor to make changes to the original consumer's personalization efforts.

Please note: This will log an event that a final PDF file has been retreived.

A final Print Ready PDF can be downloaded directly from the PRS server using the following HTML post.


  1. i - Your Integrator ID.
  2. p - Your Integrator Password.
  3. ref_number - Your unique Id used to launch the PRS Personalization Editor.

Please note: This will log an event that a final PDF file has been retreived.